The CBCA Community Center is available for events. Details on Community Center page.
The CBCA Community Center is available for events. Details on Community Center page.
12948 Point Dr. Willis TX 77318
Welcome to Conroe Bay. We are glad to have you and your family as property owners and neighbors in our community. We look forward to meeting you in person and becoming friends. We believe you will find our community a great place to live, full or part-time. We hope that in time you will become active in the community and help us keep it a great place to live.
Our community and its utilities are managed by the Board of Directors of our Civic Association and Water/Sewer Supply Corporation comprised of elected homeowners that volunteer for these positions.
At your earliest convenience, please contact the CBCA Treasurer @ with your contact information: name, Conroe Bay address, mailing address, primary phone number and e-mail address.
We will not bombard you with calls, texts, or e-mails, but would like to be able to get needed information out to property owners in an efficient manner and in case of emergency. Please keep your contact info current with us.
Information, including contacts and deed restrictions that should help answer some questions we receive from new property owners can be found at
Before making any modifications to the exterior of your house, building fences, decks, patios, etc., contact our Architectural Director. The Architectural application is available for download on the website.
Our streets are narrow and street parking in Conroe Bay is against the Deed Restrictions. Overflow parking from your driveway and for the boat ramp is available in the lot near our Community Center. Parking stickers and guest cards are required for parking in this area and may be obtained from the CBCA Secretary. Vehicles not displaying a sticker or guest card are subject to towing. Utility trailers must be parked behind the front line of the house and on your property only.
Regular lawncare is an expectation of all property owners. This includes mowing, edging, weed whacking, trimming of shrubs and trees, flowerbed weeding, etc. Grass clippings should be blown off your hard surfaces and the street.
For keycard access to the boat ramp or for the code for the walk-through gate, request from our CBCA Treasurer.
In November of each year, you will be invoiced for an Annual Maintenance Assessment Fee. This fee is due January 1st of each year and if not received by January 31st, a late fee of $35 per lot is assessed. For any billing issues please contact our CBCA Treasurer.
Both the CBCA and CBWSSC Boards hold quarterly meetings. These meetings are held at our Community Center and are open to all property owners. Notification is via email, this website and a sign placed under the bulletin board at the entrance in the few days before each meeting. In order to speak concerning an issue, you must contact the President of the respective Board.
Again, Welcome to Conroe Bay!
CBCA and CBWSSC Board of Directors
Conroe Bay Civic Association